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TENTATIVE Programs 2025
Meetings for 2025 will be held at a variety of locations. Please check the Newsletter and our Home page for information regarding location
of meetings.
Please note the January meeting will be at the Moneta/SML Library as listed below.
January 21: This will be a "tech" meeting at the Moneta/SML Library located at 13641 Moneta Road, Moneta, VA 24121. The purpose of this meeting is
to introduce members to online quilting classes and techniques. There will be a nametag activity, so please bring your nametag. Meeting will be from
1 pm to 4 pm
February 17: Charity Sew-In / Founders Day Celebration. 9:30 am to 4:00 pm at Saunders Fire Station, 12253 Smith Mountain Lake Parkway, Huddleston, VA 24104. Our focus
for this meeting will be on making a variety of charitable items.
February 18: Charity Sew In / Founders Day Celebration. 9:30 am to noon at Saunders Fire Station, 12253 Smith Mountain Lake Parkway, Huddleston, VA 24104. Our focus
for this meeting will be on making a variety of charitable items.
February 18: Guild Meeting 1 pm to 3 pm at Saunders Fire Station, 12253 Smith Mountain Lake Parkway, Huddleston, VA 24104.
*** Special Community Outreach Event *** LQG is holding a small quilt show at the Moneta/SML Library from March 1 through April 30. If you're interested in entering one of your quilts in this show, please complete both of the forms
and return to individuals listed on the forms. BPLS Exhibit Policy (PDF) and Small Quilt Show Entry Form (PDF). Please remember to include
a photo of your quilt along with the two forms.
March 18: Color Program with Arlene Blackburn. 1 pm to 4 pm at the Moneta/SML Library located at 13641 Moneta Road, Moneta, VA 24121.
March 22: *** Special Community Outreach Event *** Virginia Quilt Museum Virtual Tour: The virtual tour will include a walk through of the current exhibits. Current exhibits include "Micropiecing: Quarter Million" by Amy Pabst,
"Log Cabin Fever!" and "Vantage Points" by Bedford County's own Kevin Womack. It will also include a look at the museum's permanent collection of antique sewing machines, the current quilt challenge,
the classroom and storage spaces, as well as a sneak peek at the gift shop. For additional information, please see attached flyer: Virginia
Quilt Museum Virtual Tour (PDF)
April 15: TBD 1 pm to 4 pm
May 20: Bedford Nursing Home representative will be our speaker. 1 pm to 4 pm
June 17: Clothesline bowls with talk by Judy Edgeworth
July 15: Fellowship Sew In, and Judy Edgeworth will be available to help anyone interested in rug making. 9 am to 4 pm No business meeting
August 19: Alcohol Ink Workshop and Program. The program will be from 9 am to 4 pm. Location TBD
September 16: Paula Golden will be the speaker. Meeting is from 1 pm to 4 pm. Location TBD
October 21: Melissa Cassell From Fork Mountain Quilting will be the speaker. Meeting is from 1 pm to 4 pm. Location TBD
November 17: Quilts of Honor Workshop - 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
November 18: Quilts of Honor Workshop - 9:30 am to noon
November 18: Annual meeting/Election of Officers - 1 p.m.
December 16: Holiday Luncheon & Challenge
Highlights of Past Programs
... photos of each month's
program are available on the Show and Tell page. Links to photos
and/or slideshows are posted under each month's meeting. All
the meetings back to January 2006 can be found on or accessed
from the Show
and Tell
page. |
Workshop Guidelines for
LQG Workshops are educational and fun
opportunities for small groups of quilters (generally between
15-25) to obtain valued instruction from guest Presenters and
learn new patterns, techniques, shortcuts and design elements,
as well as develop deeper threads of friendship with other Guild
members. For your information, please refer to the following
Workshop Guidelines:
1. Three or more months prior
to the Workshop, signups will begin at the regular monthly meeting.
2. Two months prior to the Workshop, if it is not filled,
signups will be offered to other guilds and the general public
at an additional fee.
3. One month prior to the Workshop, if not filled, it
will be cancelled and payments returned.
4. Only people who have signed up AND paid can attend
the Workshop. You are not considered signed up until your
payment is received.
5. When the Workshop is filled, a "Waiting List" sign-up
sheet will be made available. If someone drops out, the next
person on the Waiting List will be called. (If you need to cancel,
please DO NOT find a replacement unless there is no one waiting.)
6. Once you have signed up for a Workshop and you find you are
unable to attend, you WILL NOT receive a refund unless your
spot is filled.
Please contact the Progam Chair as soon as you know you cannot attend a Workshop
you have signed up and paid for. If applicable, they will
contact the next person on the waiting list. If there is no one
on the waiting list, you may find your own replacement and give
the Program VP your replacement's name and contact information. |