Serving Smith Mountain Lake Virginia

About the Guild
Block of the Month
Community Service
Quilting Bees
Quilt Show
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Show and Tell
Special Events

About the Guild

 2024 Officers

Joy Shannahan

Arlene Blackburn

Chair, Programs Committee
Flo Hayes

Chair, Membership
Bev Seaver

Fran Strumph

Veronica Church

Advisor/Past President
Jan Emerick-Brothers


Next Guild Meeting

January 21, 2025
1:00 pm to 4 pm

Moneta/SML Library
13641 Moneta Road
Moneta, VA 24121

Next Board Meeting

January 7, 2025
1:00 pm - 3:30pm
Moneta/SML Library
13641 Moneta Road, Moneta, VA 24121


Meetings are held at 1 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month with the following exceptions: Our February Charity Sew-in begins early in the day, and our November and December meetings are held earlier in the month due to the holidays. Please check our Programs page for meeting details, exceptions, and changes. Regular Meetings consist of a Program, a short Business Meeting, and a Show and Tell session. Meetings for 2024 will generally be held at the Bedford Water Authority located at 1500 Radford Church Road in Moneta, VA 24121. However, be sure to check back in the event of change. Information about each month's meeting location will be listed on the left side of this page and also in the Newsletter.

Visitors and members should sign in at the front table. Also, if you recently joined, check there for your name tag and membership card.

As of November, 2024 we have a total of 82 members.

Please turn cell phones off during meetings.

For weather cancellation notice of guild meetings visit and click on "Weather" / "Closings and Delays."

Visit our Facebook page at:

To learn the history of the LQG Banner/Logo click here.


Membership Dues for 2025 are $30 per year. Renewal payments are due by the February meeting. A link to the Membership Form is available below. Membership Cards will be distributed to members as the renewals come in. To be included in the Membership Directory, payment must be received by the February meeting. New members joining after July 1st will pay $15.00. A renewal membership is $30 regardless of the time of year the renewal is submitted. Members receive a monthly newsletter and are entitled to attend Block of the Month and Guild Workshops and other guild-sponsored activities.

2025 Membership Form (PDF). Please use this form to join or renew!!! Remember to indicate your current phone number, email and mailing address. If this information has changed since you renewed last year, please make it known by highlighting the change. Membership forms are due by the February meeting.

For Membership info contact Beverly Seaver. Please notify Beverly if your street or email address changes!

Contact Us:

home | about the guild | block of the month | challenge | community service | | newsletter
programs | quilting bees | quilt show | related links | show and tell | special events |

Email the Webmaster
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