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Community Service

2025 Community Service

Charity Quilt Tracking Form Form (PDF). ** Please complete this form and submit to the Charity Committee for all charity quilt work **

If you're delivering quilts to charitable organizations, please use the following form: Charity Delivery Form (PDF). Once completed, please return to Cheryl Nylund.

Here are a few of the Charity quilt patterns the Guild has been using:

NICU Hearts (PDF)
Wheel Chair Bag (PDF)
Walker Bag (JPG)
Bags of Hope (JPG)
Wheelchair with Hand Warmer Page 1 of 4 (JPG)
Wheelchair with Hand Warmer Page 2 of 4 (JPG)
Wheelchair with Hand Warmer Page 3 of 4 (JPG)
Wheelchair with Hand Warmer Page 4 of 4 (JPG)
Novelty Checkerboard (PDF)
Rail Fence (PDF)

Additionally, here are a few Downloadable Patterns for Pillowcases, Pillow Pals, and Lap Quilts:
Kate's Easy Peezy Pillow Case Instructions and photos (PDF) Also check-out for additional pillowcase instructions. Click on "Free Patterns" at top.
Sandra's Kitty Pal Instructions and Pattern. This is a variation of the Pillow Pal.
Sandra's Revised (2011) Pillow Pal Instructions with Pattern.
Quilt As You Go Lap Quilt Pattern.

2024 Community Service

2024 was another great year for LQG to make and distribute charity quilts for various organizations throughout the community. LQG ended the year with over 500 donations of quilts and quilt-related items to 10 local charites. Please see attached listing for additional information. 2024 Charity Report (PDF)

Charity Quilt Tracking Form Form (PDF). ** Please complete this form and submit to the Charity Committee for all charity quilt work **

2023 Community Service

Lake Quilters Guild ended the year with a record number of charity donations - over 1,200 various quilts and quilt-related items were distributed to local charitable organizations. Please see attached listing for additional information. 2023 Charity Report (PDF)

Jan Emerick-Brothers (LQG 2023 President) has implemented a new activity to the Guild's Community Service programs. The Community Out-Reach Exploration Events (CORE) will focus on offering sewing and quilt-related training and presentations at various locations around the area. These events will be open to the public and will help the Guild continue to provide charitable support to the community while also ensuring the art and fellowship of quilting continues. Following are planned events to date:

March 18: SPECIAL CORE EVENT Beginning Quilt Class at Moneta Library. For more information, visit

July 20: SPECIAL CORE EVENT "Stitch It, Don't Ditch It" at Moneta Library 5 pm to 7 pm For additional information, please visit

2023 Charity Quilt Tracking Form Form (PDF). ** Please complete this form and submit to the Charity Committee for all charity quilt work **

2022 Community Service Projects

We donate bears, Pillow Pals, quilts, pillowcases, Quits of Valor blocks and quilts, and Christmas stockings. Our charity activities expanded in 2022 to include quilts for Veterans in local hospice facilities. Members can stop by the Charity Table at our meetings to pick up some fabric, a pattern, and/or a kit.

The Committee makes quarterly deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties. For a list of the donation locations and the items they have requested click here. The efforts of individual guild members make these deliveries possible.

Charity Report from Betty Huffman, Charity Committee Chair
A New Year has finally arrived and with it some "new" critters will join our bears at our February meeting. An owl (introduced by Veronica last February), cat, frog, monkey, and dog will be available for those of you who want an easy-to-sew alternative to bears. Bear patterns are still available for those who are willing to make them for agencies that are still very grateful for them. The logistics of this charity project are problematic since we do not have a meeting place available but we are working on finding drop-off and pick-up locations that are safe and convenient. So far Sue Whitney and CS Threadz are drop off locations. Donations have been steady and have been consigned to appropriate kits. Expect kits for Christmas stockings, wheelchair and walker bags, bears and other animals, wheelchair quilts w/hand warmers, lap quilts, and baby quilts, as well as simple tote bags.
  Download Patterns for Pillowcases and Pillow Pals:
Kate's Easy Peezy Pillow Case Instructions and photos (PDF) Also check-out for additional pillowcase instructions. Click on "Free Patterns" at top.
Sandra's Kitty Pal Instructions and Pattern. This is a variation of the Pillow Pal.
Sandra's Revised (2011) Pillow Pal Instructions with Pattern.
Quilt As You Go Lap Quilt Pattern.
Quilts of Valor Blocks. Veronica Church is our Southern Region Quilts of Valor Representative ( She feels privileged to be involved with QOV and is honored to be able to give deserving veterans quilts that are made by so many wonderful hands. Please give a little time each month and sew a few blocks. You can visit for more information. Any pattern you want to make is appreciated, blocks should be 12.5" squared up (or 13" if you want to be safe) when finished. Please make at least 4 or 6 matching blocks. We need enough for 300+ Quilts for just worthy veterans in Virginia! Veronica will be mailing blocks every quarter and blocks can be dropped off at Cecily-Sue’s quilt shop. Thank you for your participation.

2020/2021 Community Service Projects

Covid 19 - 2020/2021

While sheltering in place, members were busy making masks for Bedford Memorial Hospital and Comfy Headbands with Buttons for Army nurses working at the Javits Center in NYC. The headbands were requested by LQG Member Cathy Jackman on behalf of a friend's daughter who was serving there. The face mask donations were collected and delivered by Sue Whitney, President.

Instructions for making Best, Comfiest Button Headband.

Centra Health accepted masks made from the instructions on the following YouTube sites: and

Charity Committee Happenings for 2020

"Many Hands Make Light Work" is the motto of our Charity Committee. Our Charity Committee Chair for 2020 is Betty Huffman. We donate bears, Pillow Pals, quilts, pillowcases, and Christmas stockings. Members can stop by the Charity Table at our meetings to pick up some fabric, a pattern, and/or a kit. The Committee makes quarterly deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties. For a list of the donation locations and the items they have requested click here. The efforts of individual guild members make these deliveries possible.
At our annual Charity Sew-in February 2020 we concentrated on sewing and stuffing bears for the hospitals and police departments to give to children in crisis situations.

2019 Community Service Projects

  Sanitary Pads Keep Ugandan Girls in School. Many of our members made reusable sanitary pads for LQG Member Jackie Hodgson to take to Uganda for the girls at the Bukaleba Christian School when she visits this summer. From various sources Jackie received over 1,000 pads to take to Uganda. These pads will help the girls stay in school, many of whom stay home during their menstrual cycle. Ultimately many of the girls drop out of school altogether.
Quilts of Valor Blocks. At our April Meeting we held a "Quilts of Valor Block Workshop" from 9am-3pm. Members brought fabric and sewing machines to make 12" quilt blocks. The blocks have been sent to Quilts of Valor to be made into quilts.Our VP of Programs, Veronica Church, led this activity. Members continued to make blocks on their own and almost 200 blocks were collected and mailed.

Charity Committee Happenings for 2019

"Many Hands Make Light Work" is the motto of our Charity Committee. Your Charity Committee Chair for 2019 is Betty Huffman. Stop by the Charity Table to pick up some fabric, a pattern, and/or a kit.

The Committee makes quarterly deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties. All the efforts of individual guild members make the deliveries possible. We donate bears, pillow pals, quilts, pillowcases, and Christmas stockings.

2018 Community Service Projects

Charity Committee Happenings for 2018

"Many Hands Make Light Work" is the motto of our Charity Committee. Your Charity Committee Chair for 2018 is Betty Huffman. Stop by the Charity Table to pick up some fabric, a pattern, and/or a kit.

The Committee makes quarterly deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties. All the efforts of individual guild members make the deliveries possible. We donate bears, pillow pals, quilts, pillowcases, and Christmas stockings.

For the 2018 year end report of donation items delivered to Bedford and Franklin Counties click here.
For a list of the donation locations and the items they have requested click here.

2017 Community Service Projects

River Queen Bee Donates Quilt to SML Good Neighbors

On March 3, 2017, the SML Good Neighbors raffled a quilt to help raise money to replace their headquarters, which burned to the ground last fall. The raffle quilt was sewn and donated by LQG River Queen Bee. The winners of the quilt were Jim Bennett and Marion Wagner.

In 2015 LQG Bees made quilts for The Good Neighbors for their summer interns. Sadly when their headquarters burned to the ground on 11/10/16 the quilts were also lost in the fire. So once again our bees are busy making quilts for future interns that will be housed in the new Good Neighbors "home."

photos courtesy of SML Good Neighbors

The Shady Ladies Bee Has Made 219 Christmas Stockings for the Children of Franklin County STEP...

These stockings will be given to the Franklin County STEP program to be distributed to the children at Christmas time.

2016 Community Service Projects

Charity Committee Happenings for 2016

"Many Hands Make Light Work" is the motto of our Charity Committee. New members are always welcome. Your Charity Committee Chair for 2016 is Betty Huffman.

The Committee makes quarterly deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties. All the efforts of individual guild members make the deliveries possible. We donate bears, pillow pals, quilts, pillowcases, and Christmas stockings.

For a list of the donation locations and the items they have requested click here.
For the 2016 year end totals of donation items delivered to Bedford and Franklin Counties click here.

LQG River Queen Bee Decorates Tree for Festival of Trees at the Bedford Welcome Center

The River Queen Bee of Lake Quilters Guild has decorated a tree in the Festival of Trees at the Bedford County Welcome Center. The theme this year is a Down Home Country Christmas. The River Queen Bee is trying to raise money for Lake Christian Ministries by having people vote for tree No. 21. The voting is from November 16 until December 31, 2016 at noon. The center is open from 9am-5pm. It costs $1 to vote. So come vote and enjoy the display of the community of trees. (Decorated tree pictured below).

Information and photo submitted by Nancy Robbins, 11/17/2016.

Lake Quilters Guild Makes Donation to Agape Center

In August of 2016, the SML Lake Quilters Guild donated $500 to the the Agape Center. Pictured front left is Karen Jones of the Agape Center and on the right is Stephanie Schaefer, President of Lake Quilters. In the back row on the left is Janet Sellers and on her right is Eileen Hawkins, both are Agape personnel.

2015 Community Service Projects

LQG Bees Make Quilts for SML Good Neighbors, Inc.

This "Umbrella" quilt was made by the Shady Ladies Bee and donated to SML Good Neighbors, Inc.
Photo submitted by Janis Hagen.

Note to all Bees: The Good Neighbors is in need of 9 quilts for the home that they bought for the summer interns.The quilts will stay with the house. The beds are EXTRA LONG TWIN. Dimensions for extra long twin is 63 x 92 or 71 x 112 if you want a larger overhang. The mattress top is 39 x 80. If able to make one please let Sharon Cullen know. Thanks to the membership Good Neighbors now has enough quilts for the beds.

LQG Reaches Out to the Charity Home Tour

At our May 2015 General Meeting President Susan Palmer presented a quilt to Denise Tuttle, Executive Chair of SML Charity Home Tour. The "Home Tour" wall hanging was made by members of the Kept in Stitches and Sunshine Bees. The quilt honors the 25th Anniversary of both the Home Tour and Lake Quilters Guild. Tuttle plans to display the wall hanging during volunteer training for the Home Tour. View close up photo of quilt.

Charity Committee Happenings for 2015

"Many Hands Make Light Work" is the motto of our Charity Committee. New members are always welcome. Your Charity Committee Co-Chairs for 2014 are Marnie Brush and Sandra Ferguson.

The Committee makes quarterly deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties. All the efforts of individual guild members make the deliveries possible. We donate bears, pillow pals, quilts, pillowcases, and Christmas stockings.

For a list of the donation locations and the items they have requested click here.
For a report of donation items delivered to these locations click here.
For the 2015 year end totals of donation items delivered to Bedford and Franklin Counties click here.

2014 Community Service Projects

Cindy Clark Donates Lake Quilt to the Chamber of Commerce.

Photo courtesy of Barb Nocera.

Pictured above are Cindy Clark and Susan Palmer of Lake Quilters Guild. Displayed behind them is the SML 50th Anniversary Quilt which was designed, pieced and quilted by Cindy Clark. Cindy and Susan presented the quilt to the Chamber of Commerce on Friday, October 24, 2014. The quilt depicts Smith Mountain Dam, as well as other local water and mountain scenes. Smith Mountain Lake will officially celebrate its 50th Anniversary on March 7, 2016. Cindy also taught this quilt for our 2015 Block of the Month project. On October 28, 2015, the Laker Weekly ran an article about the quilt Cindy donated to the Chamber of Commerce. If you missed the article in the Laker Weekly you can still read it online. Click here to view the article online... Or here is a pdf of the article.

Lake Quilters Guild Quilt Exhibit at Moneta/SML Library, October 1-31.

Lake Quilters Guild members exhibited their fabric art at the Moneta/SML Library October 1 through October 31. The show included wall hangings and quilts in traditional and contemporary designs in a rainbow of colors.

Holding some of the quilts for the October show, pictured left to right are Lake Quilters Guild members Sue Palmer, Lynn Bowers, Carol Hendrix, Marilyn Doble, Dottie Wilson, and Judy Bukauskas. Photo and caption courtesy of Rosey Clark, Mgr., Moneta/SML Library.

To see more library exhibit here.

Charity Committee Happenings for 2014

"Many Hands Make Light Work" is the motto of our Charity Committee. New members are always welcome. Your Charity Committee Co-Chairs for 2014 are Marnie Brush and Sandra Ferguson.

The Committee makes quarterly deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties. All the efforts of individual guild members make the deliveries possible. We donate bears, pillow pals, quilts, pillowcases, and Christmas stockings.

For a list of the donation locations and the items they have requested click here.
For a report of donation items delivered to these locations click here.

As of August our charity needs are lap quilts, pillowcases and Pillow Pals.

Download Patterns for Pillowcases and Pillow Pals:
Kate's Easy Peezy Pillow Case Instructions and photos (PDF) Also check-out for additional pillowcase instructions. Click on "Free Patterns" at top.
Sandra's Kitty Pal Instructions and Pattern. This is a variation of the Pillow Pal.
Sandra's Revised (2011) Pillow Pal Instructions with Pattern.
Quilt As You Go Lap Quilt Pattern.

The Charity Committee would like to thank each member who has taken the time to make and donate the various bears, pillow pals, pillow cases, pillows, wheelchair bags, quilts, nursing home bibs, Christmas stockings and knitted items last year. We hope you will continue to be as generous with your donations in 2014 so we can continue to support our many charities in both counties.

Listed below are the donations delivered in 2013:
Franklin County: 193 bears, 118 pillow pals, 21 pillow cases, 17 wheelchair
bags, 57 quilts, 5 tote bags, 101 Christmas stockings and 22 knitted
items. (534 total)
Bedford County: 76 bears, 38 pillow pals, 24 pillow cases, 3 pillows,
48 wheelchair bags, 60 quilts, 30 bibs, 18 knitted items and 5 miscellaneous
items (toys). (302 total)

2013 Community Service Projects

October: Members of Kept in Stitches Bee Present Quilts of Valor to Veterans at the VA Hospital in Salem.

Pictured Above: Bette Stubbs, Linda Burke, Peg Jeans, Ellen Hackett, Sandra Feruson, Susan Palmer, Helen Buchanan, Lynn Bowers, and Marilyn Doble. Below: Bee members present another valor quilt.

Valor Quilt made by the Kept in Stitches Bee

Charity Committee Happenings for 2013

"Many Hands Make Light Work" is the motto of our Charity Committee. New members are always welcome. Your Charity Committee Co-Chairs this year are Marnie Brush and Sandra Ferguson.

This year the Committee will make quarterly deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties. All the efforts of individual guild members make the deliveries possible. We donate bears, pillow pals, quilts, pillowcases, and Christmas stockings. For a list of the donation locations and the items they have requested click here. For a report of donation items delivered to these locations click here.

Download Sandra's Kitty Pal Instructions and Pattern. This is a variation of the Pillow Pal.
Download Sandra's Revised (2011) Pillow Pal Instructions with Pattern.
Download Sandra's Quilt As You Go Lap Quilt Pattern.

To learn how much your donations mean to others please view the following thank you note from Teresa Poole on behalf of Bedford Hospice Care...

2012 Community Service Projects

Charity Committee Donations Report

"Many Hands Make Light Work" is the motto of your Charity Committee. New members are always welcome.

The Committee makes deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties a minimum of twice a year. All the efforts of individual guild members make the deliveries possible. We donate bears, pillow pals, quilts, pillowcases, and Christmas stockings. For a list of the donation locations and the items they have requested click here. For a report of donation items delivered to these locations click here. Report includes year end recap from Marnie Brush.

A Thank You for Donations from Franklin County Resource Center (10/29/12):

On behalf of the Franklin County Family Resource Center, I would like to send all the quilters a warm thank you for your continued support of the families we serve whom are victims of domestic violence. The pillow pals, quilts, pillow cases, head band, hats, afghan and baby quilts which you donated today were wonderful!

We will continue to provide them to the families, women and children whom come to stay in our domestic violence emergency stay shelter as a way of comforting and calming their fears in a new surroundings.

Thank you all and God Bless!

Cynthia Treadway,
FRC Director

Pillow Pal Beauty Contest

Our Guild sponsored a Pillow Pal Beauty Pageant which was presented and judged at our February 2012 Charity Sew-in. The entries and winners can be seen in the February Show & Tell Slideshow.

Download Sandra's Revised (2011) Pillow Pal Instructions with Pattern.

Donation Quilt Pattern: Want to make a donation quilt? Try the Magic Diagonal Quilt Pattern from Marlyn.

2011 Community Service Projects

Donation Pillowcases

Hospice has expressed a need for "travel" size pillows and pillowcases. The travel pillow is 12" x 16." Janie has created an instruction sheet for making this size pillowcase... Janie's Travel Size Pillowcase Instructions.

We also have a need for standard pillowcases. We will be donating some of these to the Rescue Mission Ministries in Roanoke. Dot Jackson will be distributing these. We have also been asked to help Stepping Stone Mission in Rocky Mount, Lori Suon will be distributing these pillowcases. Last year Kate created instructions for standard pillowcases... Kate's Easy Peezy Pillow Case Instructions and photos (PDF)

Also check-out for additional pillowcase instructions.

The 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge will continue in 2011 so anyone wishing to donate pillowcases can continue to make them and donate them to the Guild and Marlyn will report the count online to American Patchwork & Quilting. Learn more at

Charity Committee Donations Report

"Many Hands Make Light Work" is the motto of your Charity Committee. New members are always welcome.

The Committee makes deliveries to Franklin and Bedford Counties a minimum of twice a year. All the efforts of individual guild members make the deliveries possible. We donate bears, pillow pals, quilts, pillowcases, and Christmas stockings. For a list of the donation locations and the items they have requested click here.

The total number of donations for 2011 are as follows:

Franklin County: 82 Bears, 20 small quilts, 10 bed quilts, 6 wheelchair bags, 90 pillow cases, 29 pillow pals, 12 tote bags, 108 Christmas stockings.

Bedford County: 43 bears, 27 small quilts, 13 Bed Quilts,
10 wheelchair bags, 53 pillow cases, 32 pillow pals, 3 tote bags, 3 nursing home bibs, 12 knit hats,
1 knit sweater, 27 pairs of mittens.

Roanoke Rescue Mission: 7 quilts donated by a member

2011 Monthly Charity Committee Donation Reports.

The Drunkard's Path Block (at left) will hang on the outside wall for all to see at the Artisan Center in Rocky Mount, VA. The large scale wooden block, made by Barn Art, will be the first block on The Crooked Quilt Trail. The trail will follow The Crooked Road, Virginia's Heritage Music Trail and White Lightning Trail; and will be part of The Artisan Trails of Southwest Virginia. The Drunkard's Path pattern was chosen for Franklin County as a remembrance of its history as The Moonshine Capital of the World.

The Drunkard's Path Block was installed on the outside wall of the Artisan Center in Rocky Mount, VA, at 8am on Wednesday, August 17, 2011. At right are guild members who attended the installation.

We thank Eloise Vass (top left and right center) for all her efforts in making this concept become a reality for SML Quilt Guild and Franklin County.

During our February Quilt-in, Cindy Treadway from the Franklin County Resource Center spoke to us about her program and the needs of the center. She took 10 Pillow Pals, 8 bears, 3 quilts and 30 Pillowcases. She also took several pictures of our guild members sewing charity items and put them on the shelter website. Check out the Resource center website: ...go to "Pillow Pals project." If you go to "Project Cover Me" you will see beds with bears on them!

Susan Palmer has made a "Purple Heart Quilt" to honor woman recipients of the Purple Heart Award. This quilt will represent the state of Virginia on the Purple Heart Quilt Trail.

To learn more about the quilt and view a larger photo click here.

January 3 - February 28. The Moneta Library invited Lake Quilters Guild members to display quilted items at the library during the months of January & February. This display was coordinated by Vicky Seekford.

2010 Community Service Projects

Charity Committee

2010 Charity Reports by the Month

May 2010 Charity Delivery:

(left to right) Alice Vreeland, Betty Hatfield, Mimi McDermet, and Marcia Wright make deliveries to Franklin County locations.

1 Million Pillowcase Challenge:

Kate's Easy Peezy Pillow Case Instructions and photos (PDF)

Marnie Brush from Smith Mountain Lake Quilting offered an extra incentive for those who stitched up the most charity pillowcases by December 13, 2010- gift certificates for fabrics at her store. 101 pillowcases were donated.

Winners of Marnie's Challenge were:

  • Most Pillowcases from a quilting bee or group: The Walnutter's Quilt Group (Kate Holdgreve's group). With a total of 24 pillowcases they won a $30 gift certificate for fabrics at SML Quilting.
  • Most Pillowcases made by an individual: Suzanne Given with a total of 25 pillowcases won a $20 gift certificate for fabrics at SML Quilting.

The 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge will continue in 2011 so anyone wishing to donate pillowcases can continue to make them and donate them to the Guild and we will report the count online to American Patchwork & Quilting.

2010 Veteran's Day Quilt - Hardy Bee

On Veterans Day the Hardy Bee honored Korean War Veteran Bob VandeLinde by presenting him the with quilt shown above. Each bee member made one star block for the red, white and blue quilt.

2009 Community Service Projects

Lake Quilter's Guild donated $300 to Lake Christian Ministries in November.

Charity Items Distributed in 2009

2008 Community Service Projects

Charity Items Distributed in 2008:  View year end totals  View quarterly reports

Instructions for Charity Items. Click on the links below to view printable instructions (PDF file) Use your browser's back button to return to this page.

Soldier's Cool Scarf - These instructions are on the Soldiers' Angels website. Please notice that they are very particular about colors. If you plan to make these, please hold on to them until the February meeting, at which time they will be gathered and shipped. This will be a "one time only"shipment.
Nursing Home Bibs
"Quilt As You Go" Charity Quilt
Updated Pillow Pal Instructions

Quilts of Valor. Lake Quilters Guild donated $100 to Smith Mountain Lake Quilting and to the General Store to help defray the cost of batting and backings. Learn more about what we are doing... SML Quilts of Valor

Lake Quilters Guild donated $500 to the new Westlake Library to be used to purchase books and magazines on quilting to help further a knowledge of and interest in quilting in our local community.

The February 2008 Meeting was our Charity Quilt-in. We need to replenish our supply of bears, quilts, pillow pals, and wheelchair tote bags after our many 2007 charity donations. To see us at work view the February 2008 Slide Show on the Show and Tell page.

As a service to our community, the Featured Bee of the Month will display at the Franklin County Library for the month following the general meeting.

2007 Community Service Projects

Raffle Quilts donated to aid worthy causes: Two of our bees made quilts for raffle to benefit the Alzheimer's Association and the charities sponsored by this year's Home Tour. View the quilts and the ladies that made them.

Charity Items Distributed in 2007

Nov. 2007 - Charity Committee Report: includes latest charity item distributions and request for future charity items.

May 2007 - Letter from the Charity Committee: includes latest charity item distributions and information on obtaining Christmas stocking patterns and sewing labels for your charity projects.

March 2007 - Thank You Letter from the Charity Committee includes totals from Quilt-in and instructions for getting started on the Christmas stockings for Step, Inc. (Head Start of Franklin County).

The February 2007 Meeting was our Charity Quilt-In. We needed to replenish our supply of bears and quilts after our many 2006 charity donations. To see us at work view the February 2007 Slide Show on the Show and Tell page.

(See below for coverage of the 2006 Quilt-in and donations.)

Making charity items is an ongoing process. Members can also make items at home throughout the year and bring them to the meetings. If you need labels for the charity quilts and teddy bears you've made … they are located in the library cabinet on the left … on the lower left shelf in white and teal plastic boxes.

Charity Table at the January 2006 meeting displays examples of the bears and quilts that can be made for charity. Members may also make and donate a quilt design of their own choosing.

2006 Community Service Projects

The bears and quilts and Christmas stockings we donate are greatly appreciated. Click here to learn how many and where the items have been placed and read the letters of appreciation we have received for our donations.

Two of our bees made quilts for raffle to help Franklin Co. CASA and the SML Discovery Shop. View the quilts.

The February 2006 Meeting was our Charity Quilt-In. Irene Capps reported that we made 153 bears and 16 quilts at our meeting and had a great time doing it. View Photos of February 2006 Quilt-In

2005 Community Service Projects

2005 Community Service Projects now have their own page - click here to view page


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