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Each year our guild members are invited to participate in a new challenge chosen and presented by that year's Challenge Leader. The challenge quilts are viewed and voted on at the December Luncheon.

Challenge 2025. The theme for the 2025 Challenge is to build "Anything With A Panel". There is no size limit or limit to what you can make. There are some panels available for purchase from Peg Gorman. If you have questions contact Sharon Cullen or Jan Brockman. All Entries must be completed and quilted before the holiday luncheon!

Challenge 2024. The theme for our 2024 Challenge is “Candy Bag.” The completed Challenge is a 14"X14" wall hanging in colors from the piece of candy you have taken from the "Guild Challenge Candy Bag", two or more colors from the wrapper must be used and any other colors you may want to include. This must be completed by the Dec. luncheon and submitted by 11:15 that morning. Please see Sharon Cullen for additional information.

Challenge 2023. The theme for our 2023 Challenge is “The Alphabet.” Select a letter from the basket that will be available at the Guild meetings. The selected letter will need to be part of your project. As an example, if you select the letter Y, you may want to include something Yellow like a flower, bird, or fruit. You are not limited to colors but can do anything that is associated with the selected letter. The project needs to be at least 14x14 and completed/finished, and the selected letter must be included on the label. Projects are due at the Holiday Party in December 2023. Have fun! For additional information about "A Quilters Alphabet", please see the following article: "".

Challenge 2022. The theme for our President’s Challenge for 2022 will be “From Book to Reality.” Simply make a block or quilt from one of our books in the Library. It must be at least 20" square, so you can make a wall hanging or a full-size quilt. Just reference the book, author, and name of the block in your description. There are plenty of books to choose from in our vast library. Have fun and show us your creativity!

Challenge 2021. The President’s Challenge for 2021 will be “Something New.” Our President suggests we spread our wings and put together a quilt in a pattern or style we have never done before. Her personal goal this year is to learn how to paper piece – what is yours? Take a class on line, talk to another quilter about how they handled a difficult design, look through your magazines for ideas, and expand your horizons. So, let your creativity soar so you can WOW everyone, including yourself. While the President set the theme for this year's challenge she still looking for someone to "shepherd" the challenge. The Challenge entries will be displayed at our December Meeting/Luncheon.
Challenge 2020
.Since this is the guild's
30th year, our challenge is the number "Thirty." It can be 30 fabrics, 30 colors, 30 inches, 30 jelly rolls, 30 charms, etc. Our December Holiday Luncheon/meeting will be at the Westlake Country Club and the challenge entries will be displayed on the walls. The entries will be tacked to the wall with a thumbtack so it is not necessary to add a sleeve. If you don't want a thumbtack hole, then add tabs or some other way to hang it.

Challenge 2019. This year's challenge leader was Joyce Moorman. The challenge is to make a wall hanging for your favorite holiday. The wall hanging could be any size and any color but it had to have a holiday theme. The challenge entries were viewed and voted on at the Holiday Luncheon at Westlake Country Club on December 10th.

Challenge 2018. This year's challenge was presented by the River Queen Bee and was entitled "SML Barn Quilts to Quilts." The challenge was to choose a barn quilt from Franklin, Bedford, Pittsylvania, or Roanoke Counties and create a quilt, wall hanging, article of clothing or any other item that is three layers with stitching to hold it together.

Challenge 2017 - Our 2017 Challenge Leader was Veronica Church. The 2017 Challenge was a wall hanging in a size of your choosing. There are 3 entry levels: Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced. The Novice Level was to be made with Log Cabin blocks, the Intermediate Level Block was the Bethlehem Star, and the Advanced Level Block was the Glacier Star. To view the winners in each category click here.

Challenge 2016 - Our Challenge Leader was Janis Hagen. The Challenge theme was movies or songs from the 50s in honor of Smith Mountain Lake's 50th Anniversary. This way we could work with the number 50 without having to use the number in our quilt. To view the top three winners in each category and a slideshow of all the entries click here.

Challenge 2015 - In honor of the guild's 25th Anniversary, Helen Buchanan chose a theme of "25" for Challenge 2015. The entry was to reflect the number 25 in some way; such as, 25 inches, 25 colors, 25 blocks, etc. To view the top three winners and a slideshow of the entries click here.

Challenge 2014 - Our Challenge Leader was Cindy Stachelski. This year's challenge was to make a purse. Everyone used the same pattern, but did it their way. To view the top three winners and a slideshow of the entries click here.

Challenge 2013 - Our Challenge Leader was Cindy Stachelski. Our Rainbow Challenge was to use the full spectrum of colors in our quilt. Click here to view a slideshow of all the entries and photos of the Rainbow Challenge Winners.

Challenge 2012 - The 2012 Challenge was 2 + 2. Our Challenge Leader was Pat Blice. Click here to see the top three quilts and a slideshow of all the entries.

Challenge 2011 - The 2011 challenge was to make a 3-D quilt. Our Challenge Leader was Katherine Lewis. Click here to see the winners and a slide show of the many entries.

Challenge 2010 - The 2010 quilting challenge was "Girls Gotta Have Fun." Our Challenge Leader was Bette Gove.

Challenge 2009 - The 2009 quilting challenge for the Guild was entitled "My Interpretation of the Color Green" or "Think Green!" Sue Dixon was our 2009 Challenge Coordinator. Click here to see the winners.

Challenge 2008 - Challenge 2008 was "Bedtime Stories - A Childhood Memory." Our leader was Joyce Noell. Click here to see the winners and a slide show of all the entries.

Challenge 2007 - The 2007 challenge was "Think Outside the Box." Our leader was Sandra Ferguson. To see the winners and a slide show of all the entries click here.

Challenge 2006 - The 2006 Challenge was entitled "There Is a Song on My Quilt." Our Challenge Leader was Cindy Stachelski. Thirty of the Challenge quilts were exhibited at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in Hampton, Virginia, February 22-25, 2007. To see the winners and view slide shows of the December Luncheon and the Hampton Exhibit Click Here.

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